Registration for the Boys Box Lacrosse season
The Box Lacrosse games will all be played at:
Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex, 3103 Paper Mill Road, Wyomissing, PA 19610
Age Group: Middle School - 6th/7th/8th grade
Game Format: 40 min time slots 17 min halves, 2 min halftime
Schedule: 9 games guaranteed
Sundays in November, Saturdays through the rest of the season.
This year Body Zone is giving us Field 2, which is slightly larger and has better spectator accommodations than Field 1.
Field players - standard field equipment is fine. Rib pads can be used (recommended). Must use short stick.
Goalies - each club is expected to furnish their own box goalie gear.
If you require any support or have problems during registration, please email the club at