TV LAX Code of Conduct

Twin Valley Lacrosse Code of Conduct Statements

Also note that US Lacrosse promotes “Compete With Class Pledge”.


  • Attend practices and games on-time and notify coaches in advance of any absence.
  • Demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning.
  • Respect coaches by paying attention to instruction during practices and games.
  • Demonstrate your desire to play by extending your best effort at practices and games.
  • Represent the club in a positive manner.
  • Treat all team members, parents, coaches, officials, and opponent players with kindness and respect.
  • Do Not Use Profanity.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship and good citizenship at all times. Never taunt, laugh at, or bad mouth an opponent, official, coach, or fellow team member.
  • Be respectful of equipment provided to you by the club; return any club equipment. Players will be held financially responsible for lost or inappropriately damaged equipment.


  • Encourage and support players to meet the needs of the code of conduct.
  • Support players and team.
  • Set a good example to all players in your behavior at all practices and games.
  • Be respectful of opposing team’s parents and coaches as well as referees.
  • Communicate general concerns personally to the club representatives.
  • Address concerns to coaching staff regarding player participation and performance at an appropriate time, such as 24 hours after a game.
  • Volunteer to help with club activities and events to the best of your time and talents.


  • Be positive and use motivating words to your players.
  • Do not use improper language and do not allow any poor language by your players.
  • Stress team play and good sportsmanship at all times.
  • Extend equal opportunity for players to learn and gain playing time based upon their attendance, effort and skill levels demonstrated at practice as well as during games.
  • Treat officials with respect and expect players to do the same.
  • Insist that your players take the game seriously, but make sure they have a positive, enjoyable experience.
  • The Head Coach has the right to suspend or dismiss any player for conduct not in the best interest of the team or not supporting the team goals.
  • Follow all school rules.
  • No tobacco use.
  • Try to have two coaches at every practice. If only one coach is available enlist help of a parent.

Failure to adhere to this code may result in removal from the club or your responsibilities